Setting Goals

Back in late May I went on a pretty epic adventure with one of my closest riding buddies to Moab, UT.  She and I spent 4 days riding The White Rim Trail in Canyonlands National Park.  The entire route was 80 miles with 3 overnights in the desert.  

I went into the ride with zero idea of what I was getting myself into aside from the knowledge that I was going to have to train by getting myself and my body ready for long and very hot days on a mountain bike.

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Bumps and Bruises

Wrecks happen.

Shake it off.

Clean it up.

Slap a Band-Aid on it.

Tend to yourself.

Get back on.

That’s probably the best lesson I’ve learned. There are always bumps. There are always snags. There are bruises. There are scars. Sometimes it hurts - really bad. Sometimes when it happens it’s embarrassing, but we’ve all been there. And, sometimes you never truly get over it no matter how hard you try. That’s just what’s up.

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Make It Your Ride

One of the conversations I most often have here in the shop is  about riding bikes and how dangerous it is - mountain bikes in particular.  Most people when I ask them how they plan to ride they respond by telling me they are not going to do anything “crazy”.  I always laugh at this and respond with, “So, you’re not looking to be on RedBull Rampage right now, that’s cool.  How do you want to ride?  What do you want to accomplish?”  I also may add - depending on the individual - that what’s “crazy” is subjective.

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