I began cultivating a love of fiber at a young age, getting my first sewing machine at six. In my twenties I discovered quilting. This new found love developed quickly into designing portraits made with cloth that have won awards, been published, and have made their way into many homes. Over the years, I have successfully worked at cultivating the craft of storytelling through fabric and thread by using color, texture, and shape to bring dimensionality to my pieces.  Continually pushing the edges of tradition I have developed a style of layering, piecing, and quilting that imitates nature's character.

Using nature photography as a means of study, I take photos of landscapes, flora, and fauna while wandering regional forests.  With my love and knowledge of the natural world, I stitch together a passion for life and exploration into highly detailed art quilts. I weave moments of personal experiences in my beloved Southeastern landscape into images that express the interconnectedness of all life.

Making use of cotton fabric, thread, time, and skill, I create a place for the viewer where wildness is both magical and tangible. The intention of my work is to draw you into the natural world and invite you to see it the way I do.