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There isn't always a trail to blaze.. sometimes the trail is missing altogether..

Sometimes the trail can't be seen..

Sometimes one must leave the trail and make their own way..

In all these instances I listen..

And follow that which isn't spoken..

To find my own way..

Which generally is the right way..

At least for me..

..I prefer the less traveled road.


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In the wind

Under the swaying branches

Before the rain

And the retreat

The first full breath

Of daylight.



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Wood Thrush

Babbling Creek

Blue sky


But not lost


But home

Friends song

Held in the notes of the Louisiana Waterthrush

Spring has sprung

Quiet mind


And wonder..

Tick tock

Adventure calls..

This Old Tree

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This old tree
Has been standing longer than me.
It died many years ago.
A large healthy limb in the pine beside it is all that keeps gravity from pulling it to the earth to depcompose.
I have been watching and waiting
For years now.
Each time I walk near it I look at it and wonder
When it will fall.
I wonder if I will notice it when it is no longer there..
I wonder where it will fall.
And, what it will look like when it does..
And what it will sound like..
It isn't much to look at.
Even the birds stay away from it.
Most humans would never notice it.
It is almost invisible in its standing decay..
I could easily knock it down.
It wouldn't take very much.
But I don't.
I wait.


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Home Is
A spider web
In the light of the sun
Rising in the east.
It is the sit of the wren,
The pecking of the chickens
And the sweetness
Of my lovers kiss
Upon my neck
His breath and smell forcing me
To close my eyes
And savor the moment.

Home is the roar of the highway
As people travel
And south
Even on a perfect
Sunday morning.
It is a breath held
And released
For the stillness the cool breeze
Brings to the moment.
It is the glistening drop of water
Slowly gathering
And enough weight
To drop
To the earth
In a thundering unexpected
Silent splash.

Home is the chatter of the squirrels
Momentarily upset
By the hawk
Who hunts them
And miraculously appears
Seemingly out of no where
Or the raccoon
Who instinctually year after year
Returns to the faithful persimmon
Savor in their short season.
It is the pine warbler trill,
The hermit thrush song,
The nuthatch call,
And the seasonal
Eastern phoebe song.

Home is here.

Jones Gap

My breath before me

A hat upon my head

In absolute stillness

I hear the katydid sing

So close I can hear the massage of their wings

Before his music fills the air

Of the night.

I climb giant rocks

To better look out over the river

Gazing into the wandering waters

The stories it's molecules can tell..

Without from whence it came

It would have no where to go.

In the darkness of the new moon

The wolf moon

I have heard the Owls song

And the coyotes howl.

I wonder over all of it.

How did they come to also be in this time?

In this place?


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I gaze to the paling rosy sky

And hear the rustle of the drying leaves,

The calls of the downy woodpeckers,

The joining together of the bird guilds.

I delight in the song of the pine warbler

And the chirp of the crickets

Both calling Fall to spread herself

Upon the land

In hues of golds, red, and orange.

I listen for the last of the cicada song

Fading fast

On the branches of trees

Just beginning to release their leaves.

I wait for the morning glories to open

Right with daybreak.

I watch them close

Their job well done at sunset.

I live for the light.


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During these days

The dog days

Of humidity,

Of August,

Of Summer

I stand outside and hear the


Occasionally the cicadas still sing

But thick air


Everything but the


Summers close

Autumns wake

Leaves yellow and scorch

Under the heat of the summer sun.

It takes effort to breathe.

It is no wonder

The birds

the leave the singing

To the



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Not every note I write can be a masterpiece

Not every word I feel

Can be spoken

Not everything makes sense all the time

And not everything can be understood eventually...

Not every wound can be healed

and not every joy remembered

But every day can be lived

And every day be experienced

When faith in the present moment

Is held in your heart.


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Closing my eyes and breathing deeply

I can smell the musk of life moving in the heavy humid air.

The sound of all that is around me sings of the buzz of life

That summer is.

The sky tells the story of the changing seasons in the color of the light

As it fades into the west.

A butterfly floats past fluttering rapidly to stay adrift in the heavy summer air.

And in a snap of a moment

the vibrational frequency whispers

secrets and stories of sound sung only in the story of the summer time dusk.


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God speaks in the sounds of perfect stillness.

His language is held in the vibration of light.

His words float aimlessly on the air

Carrying the poetry of all that is.


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I want people to say about me 

that she wrote

she created

she never stopped


through words what the spirit revealed to her.

I want them to say

Even if the words were not theirs

Or her ways were not theirs

She still wrote.

She still shared her heart.

I want them to say

that the echoes

of her spirit

rang from the canopy of trees,

she was held in the light of the sun

she was carried on the breeze that blows

invisibly over the surface of the earth.

I want them to say

The birds sang their morning songs

outside her window

beckoning her to join them in welcoming the day.

Her days were wrought with action

with loving

with living

with all that she had...

I want them to say:

She loved the earth.

She loved her man.

She loved her children.

She loved her life.

I want them to say they saw me...

Because they saw it within themselves.


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Stillness is breathing deep

Answering the call

of the heart.


is soaking in the breeze

on a hot summer day.

Stillness is the present moment

with all your thoughts

running through your head

while feeling relief

-even for a moment

from all it takes to survive.

Stillness can be found

on the drops of dew

that cling to the earth

when the air passed over it

its movement lit only by the moon.

Stillness can be learned

by watching the clouds

easily drift across the sky

with no predetermined destination.


is a state of expansion

beyond the thoughts held within the mind

beyond the strategies for surviving.

Stillness is the space

between the thoughts

allowing the thoughts to come and go

without attachment.

It is seeing thoughts as manifestation of our experience as humans.

It is practicing moments within moments.

It is practicing subtle quiet spaces.

It allows us to be the clouds 

and release

expectation and need.


is being on the path,

Floating easily

with no destination.

It is not work.

It is arriving.

Wherever you are.


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Summer is about fire, play, spirit, and water.  

It is youthfulness and aliveness.

Summer is heat, sound, passion, and sun.

It is insects, birds, spiders, slithering and croaking things.

It's web, pockets of light on the forest floor... and shadows.

It's yellow flowers, bumble bees, wasps, and pollen.

Summer is a symphony of hums, buzzes, clucks, tweets, and chips.

It's morning sounds and evening sounds - distinctly different.

It's cicadas, katydids, and whippoorwills.

Summer is buds on flowers and baby birds.

It's sweltering humidity and relief brought by a powerful thunderstorm.

Summer is stories shared over fresh vegetables and memories of grandmothers...

And sweet iced tea...

Summer is about living...




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I have words

that run through my mind


I have things to say,

Stories to share,

Feelings and thoughts.

When I open my mouth

To speak

No words fall out

Only air

And the silence

That holds my heart.



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The river is a wonderful place to clear the mind.  

It's a powerful reminder of the impressive strength of water.  

Water wears away rock.  

Water flows the path of least resistance with force and majesty.  

Water fills the space that it is held within in balance and when there is too much of it for this space it over flows its banks and seeks new spaces to fill. 

No matter where it flows it always seeks the path to where it can flow the easiest. There is no work because there is no effort, but a lot of power.  

Water ambles, it seeps, it roars.  

It moves.  

It carves holes in stone, tadpoles grow within it, and you can put an arm all the way through it.

Even when water is still and not flowing like a river it still moves by being absorbed into the air.

 Water - when needed changes course. It always goes where the path is easiest.

Water... is adaptable.  

Water... is constant.

It is the perfect paradox.

Quiet Moments

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I think of quiet moments

Of silent moments

Of moments within moments

Most every moment

I think of the ways

The space

And span

Of time

Are held within

These precious moments.

I listen for the well concealed


That echoes

At the center 

Of time.

I pay close attention

To the way the squirrel walks

To the wood thrushes

Fluteful song.

I have to be alive

To be held

In silent moments

Of presence.

I have to hear

The beating

Of my heart

And witness my blood


Like the vibration 

Of the cicadas song.

I have to feel

My lungs

Full with the breeze that blows

The waves of the water

Up on the shore.


Fail to represent

That which I experience

In the quiet moments

In the moments within the moments

I think about.