Trial and error

Years ago I was afraid of making mistakes so rather than fixing something to get it right I would tell myself it gives it character. Thank goodness for learning some wisdom as I age..

For some reason if I didn’t get it right the first time I just made it work to keep pushing forward. I had this weird fear that fed a story of not being good enough.. of having to learn creativity.. of not being artistic enough..

This silly monkey mind of mine takes up so much of my time to keep it quiet - not really quiet - not in control of me and not in control of how I choose to be/create.

These days, I make a section over and over until it is what I have pictured in my mind.. even if it’s going to take me an hour or two or more to get it right.

Sometimes I have to procrastinate about it for a little while.. and when I realize I’ve got to remake something it does initially stifle my creative flow because of these ridiculous insecurities I carry around. I do get there eventually and it usually works out so much better than I planned.. go figure. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I guess I can at least be glad for the personal awareness that comes along for the ride if I open myself to it.. making art is my direct guide to personal behavior patterns and beliefs.. along with mountain biking of course because, well, those hills don’t really ever get easier 🤣🤣🤣