For 2023 I chose the word Expand to be the theme for the year with the intent to be more active in growing myself as an artist, as a cyclist, and as a human.
Since taking on 2023 in this new more intentional way, I have a show coming up in July which will be my first in 12 years. 😳I had business cards printed which doesn’t seem like a big deal but is for me.. I feel strong in my body now if my asthmatic lungs would get with the program.. we moved into a house we love for now.. my dogs even get in the bathtub willingly for baths which is no small feat 😇 Jason and I just celebrated 31 years that we have been together - not married that anniversary is in June.. but since we have been a pair. We are good. Really, we are great in the midst of adulting and living.. he asked me yesterday while riding bikes if someone would have asked me what I would be doing in 31 years from that first kiss what would I say? my response was that I would still be chasing him. Somethings never change.. and that’s alright by me.