Coming soon


#108vortex is coming to a beautiful end - feeling pretty happy with the ways this commission has forced my process to grow.

I’ve got two shows booked.. the one at the Winterville library in July and in the fall I’ll be sharing photos of my favorite urban trails @choco_pronto along with what’s next under my machine - a little something for my favorite bike shop @hubbikes.. then it’s onto the next commission that has me super stoked!! We are headed to the big city in April for the Atlanta Film Festival to see the animation video @wavpixlab made using my art (soooo excited about this).. still waiting to hear about that big grant 🤞🏻keep your fingers crossed with me that I get it. I hear about it next month.

As always, thanks for following along

Today is the last day of March Meet the Maker prompts. I will be taking a short hiatus from socials for the next few days.. unplugging with my guy.. riding bikes.. seeking moments.. and breathing fresh air.