22 days

22 days into this Sitspot challenge. I haven’t missed a day, but they haven’t all been pristine or perfect. Most have been a struggle to accomplish. All have been worth it.

When I did this thing so many years ago I had all these preconceived notions about meditation and mind emptying.

I constantly felt like I was never going to get it. I was fortunate to have two mentors in particular who helped me create the foundation the practice would be built upon. Both taught me childlike wonder - really they opened my eyes back up to the childlike wonder I came equipped with - that we all come equipped with.. and only I can do something about the noise in my brain.. and that, I had to learn to sit with. After a few years with less intentionality to this simple practice I again feel the compulsion of just paying attention. Of being awake. I’m naturally an overachiever so I’m sure I’m going to keep going.. until I don’t. If you started and didn’t find it enjoyable don’t sweat it. It could be that it’s not your jam. If you did start it and wish you could have kept it going but can’t figure out how let me know. We can talk more about it. There is a reason only a small number of people ever “master” meditation and many of those retreated somewhere outside their ‘normal’ lives to learn and practice. This works for me - even if I’m writing while I do it.. I know that more often than not I’m just sitting here observing my mind and my surroundings.

Shoutout to mentors Mike and Rick

Sit Spot Challenge

Nodding Trillium

Beginning April 1 I intend to start a 30 day sit spot challenge.

Years ago I began a Sit Spot Practice - I just go outside and sit for at minimum 5 minutes everyday. I managed to go every single day for 2 years. It was incredible. I didn’t manage to sit in the same place everyday, but I did manage to intentionally get outside and sit - in all weathers - cold, wet, windy, thunderstorms, miserable heat.. Over time, the practice has stayed with me, but going out intentionally every day slipped away as we moved to the city and I couldn’t find a place that felt like it could be MY spot..

Now that we have our own home on a quiet street I intend to pick this life changing practice back up.

I am committing to going outside everyday for 5 minutes to just sit there for 30 days in a row and just observe the unfolding of life.

If you would like to join me in this challenge I would welcome it.

Remember to make it work for you so if daily isn’t something you can accomplish make it every other day.. or make it once a week.. whatever works. Put it on your calendar. Make it a priority. Email me at sarah@listeningtosilence.com if you want me to check in on you to see how its going. You can check in on me. I would welcome the companionship. If there seems to be enough interest I will figure out how to create a group so we can share experiences - not on social media.