One just needs a little alertness to see and find out: life is really a great cosmic laughter.
~ Osho
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Sharing moments of Stillness and Silence
One just needs a little alertness to see and find out: life is really a great cosmic laughter.
~ Osho
There is, indeed, a considerable therapeutic value in allowing oneself to be deeply aware of any sight or sound that may arise. For one thing, it brings to mind the marvel of seeing and hearing as such. For another, the profound willingness to listen to or gaze upon anything at all free the mind from fixed preconceptions of beauty, creating, as it were, a free space in which altogether new forms and relationships may emerge.
~ Alan Watts
When it's over, I want to say: all my life I was a bride married to amazement. I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms.
~ Mary Oliver
Odd as I am sure it will appear to some, I can think of no better form of personal involvement in the cure of the environment than that of gardening. A person who is growing a garden, if he is growing it organically, is improving a piece of the world. He is producing something to eat, which makes him somewhat independent of the grocery business, but he is also enlarging, for himself, the meaning of food and the pleasure of eating.
— Wendell Berry
Things have been kind of quiet in our world of Adventure Seeking. Instead our current adventure is building our garden.