
It’s summertime.. And the livin’ is easy.  Fish are jumping and the cotton is high.. Your daddy’s rich and your ma’s good looking.. So hush little baby, don’t you cry. 

~ Gershwin/Wakeman

The longest days of the year rapidly approach with the summer solstice. By the end of this month the days will begin to shorten.  Growth will turn towards seed making.  The dark will start to once again creep in calling us into contemplation.

Thunderstorms roll in with powerful lightning from seemingly nowhere.  As quickly as they come they go.  The very last vestiges of Spring can be found in the early morning and the tree frog song of the evening.

Soon, the heat here is Georgia will fully settle into its rightful place.  The Black Billed Cuckoo will call.  And we will seek rest and the refreshment of water sources.  

It is time to practice rest when we need it so we do not overheat as summer presses down upon us here in the south.