
We come into balance in September with the Autumn Equinox.  With the weary nature of August behind us we find the first real glimpses of Fall weather in September.  Sunsets look and feel a little different as they come earlier and earlier.  Our minds naturally begin to turn towards the colder winter and preparing for that. The thirst to be outside returns.  We are entering a time of sweet communion with the seasonal shift.

At home, we are preparing our fall and winter garden, watching the birds migrations - grackles, red winged blackbirds, and eastern starlings gather in the tops of the pine trees calling to one another.  I like to imagine it’s the family reunion of a lifetime with everybody eagerly catching up with one another - telling all the tales from their Spring and Summer adventures.  Chickadees, Titmouse, Nuthatch, and Cardinals have concluded their long summer of breeding.  I bet they are glad to be done for another year.  Now they only have to focus again on their own survival.  They band together and spend their fall and winter months on the hunt for food and outrunning the Coopers Hawk. It’s a great time to be on the hunt for feathers if you are a collector as everyone is shedding their worn out feathers and growing new ones that will keep them warm in the coming dark winter months.