Highs and lows

Riding bikes. Making art. Existing.. is filled with precious and heartbreaking moments. Sometimes these moments are seared forever as memories that shape who we become.. and the stories we tell.

This moment was rich with both.

Jason and I were sitting on the banks of the Oconee River enjoying a beer five miles into a mountain biking ride that I really needed because I was feeling emotionally low from the strain of moving.. I NEEDED the quiet of an urban assault by the river..

He is almost always accommodating.

He picked this spot to rest and enjoy the beer we brought along. As we sat here I spotted a world teaming with life.. resurrection fern, usnea floating from tree tops down towards the river. Wild azalea blossoms just opening.. a hawk flew overhead, a barred owl called from across the bank.. time stood still.. for the first time in weeks.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw wings flutter a few feet away from our rock. (You know Iā€™m always looking for the birds.) As I turned my head I initially thought I was looking at a very early fledgling, but the longer I watched more birds came in to feast.. and I realized we were watching a large flock of Cedar Waxwings. I am pretty sure they are the most magical birds I have laid eyes on thus far in my life.

We sat there for 15 minutes just watching them eat.. not really saying much and whispering when we did speak..

When they moved on we did as well enjoying the remainder of our ride with a much clearer head.

I love birds.