Christmas Cactus

This is our first Christmas without my grandmother here in physical form and we miss her. But, her beauty lives on in her Christmas Cactus which is covered in blooms bringing color and life to this season of new family traditions.  I also have her favorite amaryllis about to bloom on my dining room table. What a lifetime gift of the love of growing things both of my grandmothers bestowed upon me. 


Single Track

A lot of people try to counteract the ‘I am not good enough’ with ‘I am good enough.’ In other words they take the opposite and try to invest it. That still keeps the world at the level of polarities. The art is to go behind the polarities. So the act is not to go to the world of ‘I am good’ or ‘I am bad’, or ‘I am loveable’ as opposed to ‘I am unloveable’. But go behind it to ‘I am’. I am. I am. And I am includes the fact that I do crappy things and I do beautiful things and I am. That includes everything and I am.

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As you start to rest in the I am-ness, from that place, you can start to set boundaries on the way you play the game as become more impeccable in the way you play the game.

~ Ram Dass
