Wandering in the woods today, listening to the lack of sound and feeling the slowness of time I came to consider that which I desire in my life and the many lessons I have learned thus far as I stand upon the precipice of another revolution around the sun.  I long for quiet spaces and places.  For slow places - those corners of the garden, the forest, the day where time stands still and I can fully experience my breath and existence.  I seek them out.  I can not help myself.  In those spaces I am able to find myself so I can return again and again to the world of busy around me and the discomfort it brings.  I seek the content of survival, and comfort of thrival.  I long for time with those who love me unconditionally - in my ugly and in my beautiful. I like the me I became as I journeyed through 41.  Ilike the me I am becoming as I turn to greet 42.  I am most grateful for the life I have with those I love.