


Every year when this flower blooms I am reminded my of Grandma Rabun.  She was probably the kindest most loving woman I have ever known.  She gave me these bulbs when I was very young and I have carried them with me everywhere I have lived.  I look forward to them bursting out of their tightly wrapped buds overflowing with textures and patterns and silky petals.  An iris's center - the perfect sneak peek to the coming orgasmic explosion waiting for just the right moment to erupt.  

I started gardening because of these flowers.  I had to have a place for them.  My grandmother did not have a lot when she left this earth other than her family and her flowers.  And with the planting of her bulbs in my new home as a youngly married princess to my prince charming came my love of the earth in a whole new way.  As I consider this it is funny to me now because everyone in my family always had a lovely vegetable patch and I spent most of my summer days in them..

but those..

those were vegetables. 

An Iris is a flower.. A stunning work of beauty that bursts out of the leaves on a single fragile stem for all to see, but they do not let us forget they are there quietly waiting all year with their triangular pointed leaves..


Iris's brought this rebellious soul back to the garden in the most subtle way - in the way only my Grandma Rabun could have taught me to do it.

And, so, with every Spring I wait.  I watch.  I tend the garden around the bulbs making sure we're all set for this growing season.  When my Grandma's beautiful irises arrive I make sure I turn my eyes to them daily until they are all done for another season and then, I get back to my vegetables.. (the way she would have wanted me to).

Day 365

It is difficult for me to believe I have arrived at this moment.  This day.  In my mind it is incomprehensible to me that 365 days have flashed by me.  There are have been so many moments of profound beauty.  There have been so many moments that are indescribable and the photos I share with you all don't do the connection - the relationship - the justice it deserves.

So, what do I share?  How do I tell you what this has meant in my life and what will I do going forward?  

Going forward is easy, I will continue - every single day - because it helps me be the person I want to be.  It keeps me connected to my personal power source and the source of all.  The lessons are immeasurable and they have been worth every moment I give to them.  

Not every moment has been easy.  Not every day a cake walk in the light.  Most days I have to make the time to make it happen and in a busy life filled with work, kids, and everything else life has thrown my way I have had to make myself many days go outside for even five minutes which turned into hours many times. 

The return was ALWAYS worth it.

There has been rain, rain, rain, and more rain.  Not only from the sky, but from my eyes as it washed away pain and grief.  Rain that seemed like it would never come to an end and yet it does with glorious blue skies and canopies filled with beautiful bird song.  Rain that brought a garden to life in the spring.

Trees have fallen and seedlings have emerged.  Coyotes and deer have passed me by unknowingly. Raccoons and chipmunks have become dear familiar friends.

I have seen earth fall into her natural slumber and witnessed her awaken in all her gloriousness.

I have felt the winds from all the directions and seen the destruction they can bring.  I have felt the sweetness that same moving air can offer on a hot summer day.

I have watched tender plants emerge from the earth, grow into strong beautiful flowers, offer the nectar of life to bumble bees and butterflies, and then set seed for the year to come.  

The birds... of course there are birds.  There have been so many birds.  I have sat within flocks of birds, watched the cardinals raise their babies, left offerings of food for the wrens, and I have come to know a titmouse who loves baths.  I have stood by the wren as she sat upon her precious speckled eggs and observed the sweet budding romance between the mourning doves.

I have traveled to rivers, climbed mountains, laid upon the earth watching the moon rise and the sun set.  I have gazed into the heavens to count the stars and looked into the grass to chase down an animal hair.

And, with the changing seasons I have changed.  As much as the forest is a part of me I have become a part of it.

I have learned the echo of true stillness and silence and the lessons to be gleaned from being comfortable being alone - or seemingly alone.

This is what my 365 days have been.

These have been some of my moments of connection.

This has been the journey.

Tomorrow, the sun will rise again and I will continue to join the wild things and learn from them.

Juvenile Mourning Dove

I've been watching these birds all summer and here's one of their babies that seems to have fledged before it was ready. Generally, I don't handle birds. I chose to pick this one up to see if there was anything wrong with it.  There wasn't so I put it back where we found it. Hopefully mom and dad will come back for it. We did feed the cats so they would be distracted while we wait for mom and dad.

Burrowing Bee

Every season has a theme in my life.  Something I am fascinated with.  

Fall I love the changing of the leaves, the shift in the breeze as the canopy looses its grip on the wind, and the migrating birds.  

In the winter my focus shifts to the mammals, trees, and the gatherings and movements of the winter bird guilds.  Mammals wander further making their medicine is easier for me to understand.  The trees stand tall and proud and sing the winter song of stillness.  

In the spring, when the light changes, my fascination shifts to the warming earth, the stirring of the seeds, the chase for the first leaf, and watching for the first juvenile birds of this season.

Summer brings the flowers, the sweltering heat, and the insects.  

So much medicine to be learned each and every day - and in every season...  

These burrowing bees have thick yellow hair on their back legs to catch the pollen.  They, like most bees live in colonies.