There is more than my share and your share of rain for today
but this slug
knows where to go to not get washed away.
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Sharing moments of Stillness and Silence
There is more than my share and your share of rain for today
but this slug
knows where to go to not get washed away.
My grandmother gave me these iris when I was seven - well, not these exact iris but the bulbs from which these came. They have gone every where I have gone since then. Now, I will walk by them every day when I go to my sit spot. I will think of my beloved grandmother Rabun and the many many gifts she bestowed on me.
This morning
the flicker was proudly announcing
the arrival of the Coopers Hawk
followed by the mobbing
of the Hawk
by the crows.
The crows were adament that it needed to move on out
Sometimes when I feel really lost...
I find myself again in the forest
An am almost always
by the Coopers Hawk.
Things have been kind of quiet in our world of Adventure Seeking. Instead our current adventure is building our garden.