On my 40th birthday my friend Carl gave me this plant. Plant giving was a common theme between us and Carl. Our garden is full of plants he gave us and his garden was full of plants we gave him. My 42nd birthday is just around the corner. Carl has left us and so there is no more plant swapping, but his love of plants, his life, and our sweet memories we shared thrive in our garden.
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.
~ Maya Angelo
He returned to the same spot over and over today to eat. Each time he circled around the tree the same way made sure no one was watching (I was) and proceeded to eat upside down.
I have words
that run through my mind
I have things to say,
Stories to share,
Feelings and thoughts.
When I open my mouth
To speak
No words fall out
Only air
And the silence
That holds my heart.