
With the time change and a lot of other changes finding longer moments happens on the weekends.. thankfully, most days this little strip of brush and trees is full of birds. I finally get to hang out with a mockingbird, an eastern phoebe, some towhees.. the wrens really hate the cats.. and today.. finally the white throated sparrow stopped in for a visit. 



This spot is one of my favorites on the trail when I ride. It is obviously overgrown but it is teaming with life. There’s a towhee family in here, wrens, Brown thrashers who alarm everytime a bike comes by (I imagine they don’t get a lot of rest when folks are getting off work). I’ve seen a great blue heron in here, goldfinch, heard the flickers tonight and some downy woodpeckers... man I do love a shrubby and overgrown edge.



Joy is prayer; joy is strength; joy is love; it is a net of love by which you can catch souls.

~ Mother Teresa

(I think he posed for me by giving a subtle smile)
