This spot is one of my favorites on the trail when I ride. It is obviously overgrown but it is teaming with life. There’s a towhee family in here, wrens, Brown thrashers who alarm everytime a bike comes by (I imagine they don’t get a lot of rest when folks are getting off work). I’ve seen a great blue heron in here, goldfinch, heard the flickers tonight and some downy woodpeckers... man I do love a shrubby and overgrown edge.
Human Highway
It’s on the strength of observation and reflection that one finds a way. So we must dig and delve unceasingly.
~ Claude Monet
Tulip Pollen
Who you are is what you have been.
Who you will be is what you do now.
~ Buddha
On a Hill
Today I taught a class about birds at the state botanical gardens. This is where I sat when we got outside to sit to observe birds. To know the birds you have to spend time with them. Here I saw a green anole running down a tree, two chickadees trying to decide whose territory this was. I saw a male cardinal feeding his lady making sure she knows he's going to provide when their babies come. I heard a woodpecker drumming, watched an Eastern Phoebe catch an insect flying through the air. I heard a hawk call while the breeze passed over my skin. We sat for 30 minutes and it was endless entertainment.. and I got to spend hours talking about birds.