Today I taught a class about birds at the state botanical gardens. This is where I sat when we got outside to sit to observe birds. To know the birds you have to spend time with them. Here I saw a green anole running down a tree, two chickadees trying to decide whose territory this was. I saw a male cardinal feeding his lady making sure she knows he's going to provide when their babies come. I heard a woodpecker drumming, watched an Eastern Phoebe catch an insect flying through the air. I heard a hawk call while the breeze passed over my skin. We sat for 30 minutes and it was endless entertainment.. and I got to spend hours talking about birds.
..And it was all.. Yellow
Nothing can make you happier than you are. All search for happiness is misery and leads to more misery. The only happiness worth the name is the natural happiness of conscience beings.
~ Nisargadatta Maharaj
Genuine compassion must have both wisdom and loving kindness. That is to say, one must understand the nature of suffering from which we wish to free others (this is wisdom), and one must experience deep
Intimacy and empathy with other sentient beings (this is living kindness).
~ Dalai Lama (The Heart Sutra)