I have sat in this spot on this river for 20 years. I never tire of it or wish I was somewhere else when I am here. When I visit this spot something inside me remembers, wakes up, and feelings flow like the water that is held between the banks. This is a place I call home. A place where my heart melts and my mind calms..
Falling Leaves
Waking up to who you are requires letting go of who you imagine yourself to be.
~ Alan Watts
Silvery Checkerspot
The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough.
~ Rabindranath Tagore
I broke up with my life a year ago in May and decided to actually live the life and be the person I wanted to be and do the things I said I wanted to be doing. This meant walking away from a lot. This meant embracing loneliness and fear. It meant getting really quiet with myself and asking what do I want. Honestly, I had to figure out who I even was. I had been doing, saying, and being some kind of imposter in this body just to be some other cliche of 'normal'. Today, I have a truly deep sense of what it means to be silent and let things unfold. I have a pretty good idea who my true friends are and I have a different outlook on what community means. And best of all? I know who I am and what I want. I know my happy place and when I hear my inner voice singing it's song.. I know to sit and listen..