I have sat in this spot on this river for 20 years. I never tire of it or wish I was somewhere else when I am here. When I visit this spot something inside me remembers, wakes up, and feelings flow like the water that is held between the banks. This is a place I call home. A place where my heart melts and my mind calms..
Trail Creek
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
~ Martin Luther King Jr.
Rising Up
I’ve been at this nature thing for a few years now. Making the time to find moments and tend my sit spot practice.. and life is life and so my moments have gotten shorter and shorter as summer waned and fall began. Squeezing in 10 has been - let’s say challenging? The last two weeks I’ve been making the time in the mornings again to get outside and join the chorus welcoming the light of the sun. I’ve been striving for 30 minutes and feel pretty satisfied with the 20 I get. This morning the doves were chasing out what I think was one of their babies. It’s time for he or she to go find their own neighborhood.
And, at work I’ve got a mystery bird in the swath of green behind the building.. the more I tune in at home the more I tune in elsewhere. Funny how that works.
Indian Springs
Nobody can discover the world for somebody else. Only when we discover it for ourselves does it become common ground and a common bond and we cease to be alone.
~ Wendell Berry