
This is the pathless path - returning to where you were initially before you got lost. The deepest truth in you is where the journey leads - shedding, like taking off the layers of an onion, until you come to your essence. The key to the spiritual journey is not acquired outside of yourself. Rather it is shedding the veils to come back to the deepest truth of your being.

~ Ram Dass


A Year in Moments

(A year in moments)

As every year is this one has been filled with wild places and moments.. adventures and quiets spaces.. children becoming adults, the loss of my grandmother, and the reality that my parents are not immortal.  I took up mountain biking, took a new job, discovered more about myself and my needs, and learned to set boundaries and expectations as I move through this profound opportunity called living.  I crawled my way out of a deep depression day by day with the help of my husband and my family.  Thankfully, I feel more whole than I have in years. I let go of being for anyone else other than myself and found deep connection to life in loneliness and silence. I see the seasons echo themselves in my life, my love, and the way my needs speak to me.  I feel a passion for the creativity and self I laid down to fufill the expectations others had of me.  I am not looking forward to 2018 with intentions, resolutions, or desires. I am content to let things continue to unfold as it does.. Now is all I have... Moments, Family, and endless love.. That’s enough for me. 



I have sat in this spot on this river for 20 years. I never tire of it or wish I was somewhere else when I am here.  When I visit this spot something inside me remembers, wakes up, and feelings flow like the water that is held between the banks. This is a place I call home. A place where my heart melts and my mind calms.. 
