Secret Spot

This sweet little spot on Trail Creek.. This is where the cardinals sing, the nuthatch peek, and the thrashers thrash. Here.. the wind blows from the north..


He returned to the same spot over and over today to eat. Each time he circled around the tree the same way made sure no one was watching (I was) and proceeded to eat upside down. 


I slid into the flock of birds today up close to watch them... I read there can be up to five hundred in a flock.  I don't think the flock passing through right now has five hundred but, it easily has 250.  There are pine siskins, goldfinch, red house finch, nuthatch, and juncos.  The sound is incredible as they land among the trees and begin their decent to the ground... The swoosh when the hawk spooks them and the flee into the trees...