Life and death.
All in one.
Where it all begins.
Where it all ends.
The only constant within it is change.
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Sharing moments of Stillness and Silence
Life and death.
All in one.
Where it all begins.
Where it all ends.
The only constant within it is change.
The crickets began singing
From dawn to dawn..
On time.
And so the seasons change..
There isn't always a trail to blaze.. sometimes the trail is missing altogether..
Sometimes the trail can't be seen..
Sometimes one must leave the trail and make their own way..
In all these instances I listen..
And follow that which isn't spoken..
To find my own way..
Which generally is the right way..
At least for me..
..I prefer the less traveled road.
In the wind
Under the swaying branches
Before the rain
And the retreat
The first full breath
Of daylight.
Things have been kind of quiet in our world of Adventure Seeking. Instead our current adventure is building our garden.