
Releasing and flowing. Learning and growing.

Today I sat in this very spot with three other children. We watched a king snake slither into the water, wondered at freshly hatched snake eggs, built fairy houses out of drift wood, talked about how awesome turtles are, and marveled at a doe for making her way towards the river across from us. We gazed at red shouldered Hawks soaring in the air, listened to the chickadees calling, watched cardinals dash to and from over the river.

This water is filled with life and it continues to flow...

My heart is over flowing from the joy I get in spending my days on the earth with other children. (I'm unwilling to admit I am grown)

There is so much yet to be learned.

There is so much to be marveled at.

There is just so much to love.


The river is a wonderful place to clear the mind.  

It's a powerful reminder of the impressive strength of water.  

Water wears away rock.  

Water flows the path of least resistance with force and majesty.  

Water fills the space that it is held within in balance and when there is too much of it for this space it over flows its banks and seeks new spaces to fill. 

No matter where it flows it always seeks the path to where it can flow the easiest. There is no work because there is no effort, but a lot of power.  

Water ambles, it seeps, it roars.  

It moves.  

It carves holes in stone, tadpoles grow within it, and you can put an arm all the way through it.

Even when water is still and not flowing like a river it still moves by being absorbed into the air.

 Water - when needed changes course. It always goes where the path is easiest.

Water... is adaptable.  

Water... is constant.

It is the perfect paradox.


There's a spider on this tree.

I sat with it for about 10 minutes before I saw it. Then, as I got closer to it to examine its camouflage it further flattened its body out on the bark to blend in better.

Once she relaxed a little I slid in a little closer to check out her face.

I almost always try to look at the faces of insects, spiders, and all creatures because how they see the world fascinates me.

Her perfect blend of camouflage, vision, and strength gave me a lot of inspiration - I also realize I have a long ways to go to perfect my own camouflage.