
As Mother's Day approaches I am grateful for the women who shaped me into the wild woman I am. I miss my grandmothers terribly today. I wish they were here wagging their fingers at me urging me to be all that I can be - holding me to high standard of strength while being womanly and doing what needs to be done. Thank you for role modeling what a strong integral woman looks like. Thank you for showing me how to give love to your family. I am so blessed for the gifts you shared with me and the memories of our lives together.  And thank you for loving me unconditionally.


The view from my happy place after a busy day turning soil. There's a flicker, a great crested fly catcher, the summer tanagers have arrived, the wood thrush sings in the morning, there are juvenile chickadees.. and I am grateful for my slow paced life.




In the wind

Under the swaying branches

Before the rain

And the retreat

The first full breath

Of daylight.



Wood Thrush

Babbling Creek

Blue sky


But not lost


But home

Friends song

Held in the notes of the Louisiana Waterthrush

Spring has sprung

Quiet mind


And wonder..

Tick tock

Adventure calls..