As a creative

As a creative I feel a certain self inflicted amount of pressure to put things into the world - to make a statement you could say.  Or better, to tell a story the way I see it. To share it in a way that feels safe and raw simultaneously.  There is naturally a part of me that wants you to like it or for it to stir something in you.  In our modern world the way we do this is through producing and sharing content.

It often feels like there are things I could do better to further my career as a quilter and artist.  I could probably produce a lot more content - be in your face more; I could focus more on quilting, tag brands to get noticed.. all the things to help me step fully into being a content creator who gets paid to do what I love.

I get bored fast if I’m only talking about  quilting. I also get bored if I talk about anything for too long.  Even the thought of either gives me this weird tight sensation in my belly like I am sacrificing something in order to have what?  

That’s the million dollar question.

How do I be me, share what I create without it becoming something I have to do, and maybe one day make it - whatever that means.

It’s all a delicate balance for sure. And currently not one I am succeeding at but I’m not here for the easy way.

I have no more shows coming up. The only distraction left is the magazine article in Art Quilting Studio. I am very excited about that. And, with the mental space I now have to think about making again I overcame the hurdle of keeping it simple. I am excited to share the completed ‘Barred Owl in Snow”. (I can’t seem to make it link, but its under the quilt tab if you want to see it before anyone else knows its there.)

i am intentionally taking the next few months/year to be buckled down and home (except for biking). I plan to make and photograph. To LIVE (my word for this year) I am very excited to feel the pendulum swing back towards creation and planting new seeds. It’s time to dig in and grow in the garden of my studio.