
The light and warm comfort the sun provides in February brings with it a natural stirring of energy. Migrant birds are back on the move. Our yard has been host to a small flock of Dark Eyed Juncos. The tree tops vibrate with the Pine Warbler’s trill calling the trees into action..

During the dark time of the year we have tended. We have mended. Hopefully we have laid somethings to dream in the eternal sleep.. It is now time to sing and read by the fire in the last weeks of Winter.

Forsythia and Daffodils bring us the richest yellows of summer. Springs Ephimerals peak out from just under the leaf layers. Black Cherry Trees and Red Buds prepare for bloom. The buds of this year’s coming growth begins to swell on trees.  The Spring Peepers and Upland Chorus Frogs herald in warmer weather. 

Suddenly possibility exists again.

Life has adapted to the cold of winter.

Around our fires we plan for the coming seasons.