
I hope that Spring is calling you outside. 

At my bird feeders and in the tree tops males sing to woo the ladies.. territorial chasing is actively happening and I’ve seen some females begging for food. Those poor male birds work so hard.. Cardinal song starts with the rising sun. The Barred Owl brings us night and bright stars.  Bloodroot has emerged with Hepatica. and other Spring ephimerals  Red Buds, Cherries, Plums, Maples have all begun to flower in pastel shades of pinks and purples Leaf buds swell. It won’t be long until everything is coated in pollen and painted in vibrant shades of green. 

The desire to chase the warmth of the sun has arrived. 

There are still some cold nights that await.  The subtle reminder that winter takes her time and eases out.

Seeds that have been growing within the dark soil are stirring.  They too are being called to seek the sun. 

The sweet Spring balance between dark and light has arrived.