In a few short days when this native clematis opens these flower buds will be covered in all manners of insects. I can't wait.
The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything you want you already are.
~ Rumi
The human mind does not have an innate tendency toward stillness. However, because the spirit dwells in it, the mind is still when the spirit is in control. The human mind does not have an innate tendency toward activity. But, because knowledge dwells in it, the mind is active when knowledge is in control. ~ Cultivating Stillness: A Taoist Manual for Transforming Body and Mind translated by Eva Wong
Pine Siskin II
This picture was taken with yesterday's photo because today was lacking in quality time outside due to life and weather... However, upon arriving home after a long morning these sweet little birds gave us such great song as they flew into the canopy I had to pause and enjoy them - celebrate them - again today!
Gratitude for life calling me into my sit spot - which was a standing spot today.