This is my bullfrog friend, Leo. I raised him from a tadpole. We weren't sure he survived the draining of the pond (it had sprung a nasty leak in late winter) and the recent replacement of the pond. We found him hibernating in the leftover debris just under the pond. We placed him ina fish tank with a mesh lid until we could fix the pond. One day when I went out to change out the water in the tank and put fresh 'food' and debris in the tank he was gone. Naturally, I was worried he had died so I poured out the tank and went through the debris with a fine tooth comb. He simply was not there. Today as I was putting the new fish in the new pond there he was staring in stillness waiting for his next meal. Whew.. so glad he's okay.
Leopard Frog
(Leopard Frog) I raised him from a tadpole and now he is as big as the palm of my hand. He floats effortlessly on top of the water. When the fish swim under his feet nibbling on his toes he wiggles his legs and they swim away quickly. I call him Leo.
Southern Leopard Frog
My mom brought me these tadpoles in late March to raise. Her friend picked them up in brackish water near a road she walks on daily. We didn't know what kind of tadpoles they were until recently.
The transformation of a tadpole into a frog is slow but their change is a great lesson we can watch and learn from.
What you see is not always what you are.
We are always becoming - transforming...
and like the frog it doesn't always happen overnight.
At some point though the time comes when we are ready to breathe the air and leave the water - to begin a new life.
This one is the last of the the tadpoles that made it to the point of leaving the water.
I hope they stick around!
In seeking the essence of the Way, one should quiet the mind a penetrate to the depths. Silently wander within and clearly see the origin of all things, obscured by nothing.
~ Hung-Chih