When we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work and when we no longer know which way to go we have begun our real journey.
~ Wendell Berry
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Sharing moments of Stillness and Silence
When we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work and when we no longer know which way to go we have begun our real journey.
~ Wendell Berry
Wind scares me. Living under trees - mostly pine and sweetgum - I think about them falling, bending, breaking over my worldly things. I worry about the strain and stress that will come when the wind has blown one time in just the right way and the damage it will leave behind. I worry. I am a worrier. And the wind really makes me worry. Walking around and seeing the debris and the small insignificant amount of time I will spend cleaning up I am grateful to our trees for standing tall in the weather the subtle way they do. I am also aware that we are lucky and will be praying for everyone who has not been as fortunate as we were this time. Wind ushers change - often devastating change. Please support as best you can all the people in all the places that have been touched by wind, fire, rain, flooding, and smoke. Pay attention to the needs we don't easily see and give where you are able to lovingly. This is not a time in our history of being human to be selfish. There is much work to be done - on every level possible.
Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.
~ Buddha
Human progress is neither automatic or inevitable.. Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.
~Martin Luther King Jr
Things have been kind of quiet in our world of Adventure Seeking. Instead our current adventure is building our garden.