Day 265

My life is rich in teachers and special spots.

My most joyful days are spent exploring the earth, listening to children, and being fully alive in my body.

I believe if we want to build a world where we take care of our planet we have to fully engage with it - we have to get it in and explore it - we have to become a PART of it and we have to start somewhere - each and every one of us.

Even if we don't do it for ourselves we should do it for the generations who will stand upon our shoulders.

We each have our own way to commune with life.

I sit and listen.

Children play.

Elders teach.

How do you commune?


I spend most of my days with children on the trail.

Children are by far my greatest teachers.

They change and grow right before our eyes and just when I think they aren't observing or paying attention they totally rock my world by remembering or seeing something they can't wait to show me.

Working with children keeps me on my path.

Let's not break them.

Let's keep them alive and happy and thriving. 


Releasing and flowing. Learning and growing.

Today I sat in this very spot with three other children. We watched a king snake slither into the water, wondered at freshly hatched snake eggs, built fairy houses out of drift wood, talked about how awesome turtles are, and marveled at a doe for making her way towards the river across from us. We gazed at red shouldered Hawks soaring in the air, listened to the chickadees calling, watched cardinals dash to and from over the river.

This water is filled with life and it continues to flow...

My heart is over flowing from the joy I get in spending my days on the earth with other children. (I'm unwilling to admit I am grown)

There is so much yet to be learned.

There is so much to be marveled at.

There is just so much to love.