
Closing my eyes and breathing deeply

I can smell the musk of life moving in the heavy humid air.

The sound of all that is around me sings of the buzz of life

That summer is.

The sky tells the story of the changing seasons in the color of the light

As it fades into the west.

A butterfly floats past fluttering rapidly to stay adrift in the heavy summer air.

And in a snap of a moment

the vibrational frequency whispers

secrets and stories of sound sung only in the story of the summer time dusk.


I want people to say about me 

that she wrote

she created

she never stopped


through words what the spirit revealed to her.

I want them to say

Even if the words were not theirs

Or her ways were not theirs

She still wrote.

She still shared her heart.

I want them to say

that the echoes

of her spirit

rang from the canopy of trees,

she was held in the light of the sun

she was carried on the breeze that blows

invisibly over the surface of the earth.

I want them to say

The birds sang their morning songs

outside her window

beckoning her to join them in welcoming the day.

Her days were wrought with action

with loving

with living

with all that she had...

I want them to say:

She loved the earth.

She loved her man.

She loved her children.

She loved her life.

I want them to say they saw me...

Because they saw it within themselves.


Stillness is breathing deep

Answering the call

of the heart.


is soaking in the breeze

on a hot summer day.

Stillness is the present moment

with all your thoughts

running through your head

while feeling relief

-even for a moment

from all it takes to survive.

Stillness can be found

on the drops of dew

that cling to the earth

when the air passed over it

its movement lit only by the moon.

Stillness can be learned

by watching the clouds

easily drift across the sky

with no predetermined destination.


is a state of expansion

beyond the thoughts held within the mind

beyond the strategies for surviving.

Stillness is the space

between the thoughts

allowing the thoughts to come and go

without attachment.

It is seeing thoughts as manifestation of our experience as humans.

It is practicing moments within moments.

It is practicing subtle quiet spaces.

It allows us to be the clouds 

and release

expectation and need.


is being on the path,

Floating easily

with no destination.

It is not work.

It is arriving.

Wherever you are.