The pine warbler is beginning to sing to the pines.
The birds tend the growing earth and the growing earth tends us.
The breeze carries the season and the light show us the way.
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Sharing moments of Stillness and Silence
The pine warbler is beginning to sing to the pines.
The birds tend the growing earth and the growing earth tends us.
The breeze carries the season and the light show us the way.
Today was hawk soaring kind of day.
I had to pull over on a drive to explore new woods to watch one flying directly into the wind and then letting the wind take it up. It would then dive back into the wind. The hawk looked like it was playing a game with the wind.
To be so lucky.
Porch sitting in the early morning with the birds singing as the light visibly is changing before my eyes.
Cardinal sang for the first time that I've heard it this year calling in the coming Spring.
We are half way through winter and the earth is beginning to stir.
If you listen closely you can hear it.
Are you listening?
I shared my sit spot with five classes at South Jackson Elementary today. I would do it again tomorrow if they would let me...
Today we watch kill deer, stuck our arms as far as they would go down vole trails in the grass, considered why coyote scat has hair in it, and listened...
we really listened...
all five classes...
to the silence.
Things have been kind of quiet in our world of Adventure Seeking. Instead our current adventure is building our garden.