This oil can belonged to my grandfather - who was my best friend when I was little girl. He was a mechanic and ALWAYS smelled like oil. I have wonderful memories of being in his garden with him and trying my best to help him work on cars using this oil can - I don't think I ever got to actually pour the oil but I was happy to bring it to him when he needed it. Today this oil can stands perfectly as a token of my history - my roots - in our garden where I still tend the land he and I once tended together.
Lenten Rose
I believe February may be my favorite month of the year with so much life stirring remarkably silent.
The air is cold and the sun is warm
the perfect intermingling of the seasons.
In the quietest moments
life bursts forth from the darkness
into the light.
Hydrangea Bud
There is much potential and possibility in a small bud.
Look closely at the trees, at the shrubs, at life...
It's all there waiting for the conditions to be right to burst forth!
This morning as I sat and the cardinals sang
two males side by side
my mind began to drift to this flock and what I can learn from it.
I came in and looked up the wisdom of the finch...
'They are generally cheerful, musical, and social birds, and delightful to both watch and listen to. These birds are signals of a high level of energy coming into your life, and bring the hope of excitement and joy.' (Healing Wisdom of Birds)
That sounds about where my own energy is at these days
creating, manifesting, and dreaming.