End of the day

The final days of summer are upon us. 

The cicadas song starts earlier each day vibrating above the quiet notes the birds share with one another. 

The male cardinal has raised his brood of three - they will leave the nest soon. 

Each morning just outside our window he sings to the neighborhood of his beautiful young ones getting ready to leave the nest.

"Look at my babies.  Look how they have grown!" 

The juveniles are still scruffy looking.

Dad doesn't mind. 

Together, the family of 5 (with mom in tow) travel the land searching for food. 

Mama glides silently behind them hiding in the canopy - holding the space for them if they were to need her.  She chips to let them know where she can easily be found. Dad shows them where the best places to look for food are.

They are a good team - mom and dad.



I want people to say about me 

that she wrote

she created

she never stopped


through words what the spirit revealed to her.

I want them to say

Even if the words were not theirs

Or her ways were not theirs

She still wrote.

She still shared her heart.

I want them to say

that the echoes

of her spirit

rang from the canopy of trees,

she was held in the light of the sun

she was carried on the breeze that blows

invisibly over the surface of the earth.

I want them to say

The birds sang their morning songs

outside her window

beckoning her to join them in welcoming the day.

Her days were wrought with action

with loving

with living

with all that she had...

I want them to say:

She loved the earth.

She loved her man.

She loved her children.

She loved her life.

I want them to say they saw me...

Because they saw it within themselves.


Yesterday I bathed in the river and washed my woes away; Today I'm forging my own path - my own trail and though I'm walking straight into the dark and am filled with fear and grief I'm also releasing and ready. Buddha said, 'Each day we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.' Here's to being born over and over and over again.