
Today marks the end of another season of summer camps which is always bittersweet. Daily visits to this spot will fade into weekly visits.. and as the seasons change I will find myself missing all the children from summer. I will gaze longingly into these waters waiting for the next opportunity to drench myself in games and laughter and catch the light of the sun upon my skin. I am thankful beyond words for the children who teach me and brighten my life. I am thankful for the way the river shows up day in and day out to teach me and brighten my life. I am thankful for the earth that shows up day in and day out as my greatest teacher. But, for now, I'm looking forward to sleeping in and the rest that comes. Here's to another - THE BEST EVER - summer!



I traded a handmade necklace in a trade blanket with a young friend back in the winter for these seeds. She had saved them from the previous summer. I think I got the better end of that trade. (The goldfinch and bumbler bees agree.)


Fork Tailed Bush Kaydid Nymph

I mean, just look at this.  Have you ever seen anything like it? This.  This, my friends.. These are the things that keep me up at night - chasing down the identity of a new friend, someone completely alien to me.  I mean, look at those feelers, the black eyes, and that mandible..  Those legs! Those feet!  And the red stripes.. How did this come to look like this?  Seriously.. It's more than I can stand.  I am completely infatuated..  Mesmerized..  And to think.. when this wild critter grows into an adult it will add to the cacophony of sound I hear right outside of my window as I type this.  Welcome to my garden young katydid.  Hark!  The season of insects is upon us!