Pat's Pollinators

Friends show up in the most unlikely of places or maybe in the most likely of places when I am not expecting relationships to blossom and become.. As I grow older and I break from old patterns  and ways of being I am grateful for friends who embrace expansion and discomfort.. Friends, who unknowingly in just being themselves make my world more comfortable and content and fill me with the possibility of growth.. Friends who garden and meditate and think and actively work for change not by talking in comfortable circles but instead stepping into arenas to listen and truly grow like the plants they tend in their own gardens.. they actively pollinate.. by doing.


Elder Bridge

I actually took this earlier this week after visiting a sweet friend and a walk in the woods. It's been raining here all day and though I managed to get out in between rain storms today but I didn't manage to carry my camera. This amazing marvel of human creation was built in 1857.. passing through it is like leaving the quiet world of the Little Rose and crossing back into the busy world we all try to function in.