Paynes Creek

One of the most beautiful take aways from walking 30 miles over mountains on the AT was learning to overcome myself in moments of anxiety and fear. I recently also took up mountain biking with @dirt.punk and @kalibhubbard. Giving up on the trail before the AT on a hard climb on my bike was easy. Now, I know it's not worth it to give up because I know what I am capable of. I CAN DO ANYTHING I SET MY MIND TO.  Striving harder, pushing my limits, and keeping on going fearlessly no matter how many tries and how hard it is.. overcoming myself and having fun while doing it..


Quiet Moment


I think of quiet moments

Of silent moments

Of moments within moments

Most every moment

I think of the ways

The space

And span

Of time

Are held within

These precious moments.

I listen for the well concealed


That echoes

At the center 

Of time.

I pay close attention

To the way the squirrel walks

To the wood thrushes

Fluteful song.

I have to be alive

To be held

In silent moments

Of presence.

I have to hear

The beating

Of my heart

And witness my blood


Like the vibration 

Of the cicadas song.

I have to feel

My lungs

Full with the breeze that blows

The waves of the water

Up on the shore.


Fail to represent

That which I experience

In the quiet moments

In the moments within the moments

I think about.

~ Sarah Hubbard 6/4/16