
I was with a friend today.  We were talking about lands, earth, and discovery.  We were discussing the roles of elders and ancestors in our lives.  As we reached the peak of our conversation on the topic of ancestors and elders a mighty wind blew her door open and stoked the fire in her wood stove.  Naturally, this brought us to a pause in conversation...

A breath...

And with a gentle exhalation...

We gave a deep bow of thanks to those upon whose shoulders we stand as we continue to live our complicated and yet rich lives.  

Thank you to all those who have helped me, taught me, paved the way for me...

Thank you to my loved ones...

For us all...

We are so blessed for the paths you have taken with your bodies, your hearts, and your spirits.


My cat, Haku, joined me in the tree house this morning.  Within minutes of him climbing in my lap and getting settled we were joined by a raccoon - not in my lap of course, but at the bird feeder.  There were two today.  The first one fed for a bit until it was startled by DirtPunk heading off to work.  Within minues of his departure for the day another was at the feeder.  Now, you may ask how I knew there were different.  The first had a white sock on its back left foot and no white on its ears.  The second had no white sock and the tips of its ears were white.  I think I will call the first Sock, and the second Tippy.