
The river is a wonderful place to clear the mind.  

It's a powerful reminder of the impressive strength of water.  

Water wears away rock.  

Water flows the path of least resistance with force and majesty.  

Water fills the space that it is held within in balance and when there is too much of it for this space it over flows its banks and seeks new spaces to fill. 

No matter where it flows it always seeks the path to where it can flow the easiest. There is no work because there is no effort, but a lot of power.  

Water ambles, it seeps, it roars.  

It moves.  

It carves holes in stone, tadpoles grow within it, and you can put an arm all the way through it.

Even when water is still and not flowing like a river it still moves by being absorbed into the air.

 Water - when needed changes course. It always goes where the path is easiest.

Water... is adaptable.  

Water... is constant.

It is the perfect paradox.

Quiet Moment


I think of quiet moments

Of silent moments

Of moments within moments

Most every moment

I think of the ways

The space

And span

Of time

Are held within

These precious moments.

I listen for the well concealed


That echoes

At the center 

Of time.

I pay close attention

To the way the squirrel walks

To the wood thrushes

Fluteful song.

I have to be alive

To be held

In silent moments

Of presence.

I have to hear

The beating

Of my heart

And witness my blood


Like the vibration 

Of the cicadas song.

I have to feel

My lungs

Full with the breeze that blows

The waves of the water

Up on the shore.


Fail to represent

That which I experience

In the quiet moments

In the moments within the moments

I think about.

~ Sarah Hubbard 6/4/16

Wren Babies

Today marks 200 days in a row I have intentionally spent time outside doing a 'sit spot' - connecting with nature.

The ways I am different are countless.  

What I have learned thus far is a gift that is difficult to fully put into words.  

My mind has become quieter - clearer - so I can hear God in everything and in all moments.  

My spirit has let go of so many old ideas, stories, obligations, and shame.  

My walk has become softer to match the truth of my heart.  

Words escape me more than they find their way through my mind.

I see so much is said when sometimes silence and stillness are all we need. 

I have come to understand the only moment is what we have right now.  

How I give to the moment is up to me.  

Who I show up as in each moment is up to me.

Who I am today is not who I was yesterday.  

Who I will be tomorrow is not who I am now.  

Like all that spins I am constantly changing and growing.  

Reaching for the sun is work.  For that, I am grateful.  

And when I forget all of it, I forgive myself for my imperfections and for that I am also grateful. 

For all the beautiful little things that reveal themselves to me each day a little bit more I am grateful.  

To the birds who trust my presence, I am grateful.

 For the beautiful gardens and forests and rivers I get to roam I am grateful.

 For the breeze that passes over my toes, for the sun that pulls me upward,

and for the Earth that holds me closer, I am grateful.  

For this practice I am grateful.  

And for life I am grateful.