
This is the first morning I have been able to get outside for morning sounds in the garden in two weeks. The garden is dry in spite of the contour beds that hold the water well.

Some rain would be nice.

The bird baths need water daily...

the squirrels have eaten all the bird seed...

and insects zoom every which way.

The wren is upset because one of our cats is lying near her nest...

and the tadpoles I've been raising are almost ready to leave the water.

I love mornings - even hot summer mornings. 


Sitting with my friend Josh this morning over coffee he asked me what I've learned over these last 100 days...

I've learned a lot. I

I have learned the birds have become picky eaters.  I know some birds are fond of having their pictures made. I've learned that chipmunks are silly animals and voles leave trails under leaves.  I know when Coopers Hawk comes and goes even when I don't see it - but, I seldom know which way it was traveling from. 

Trees fall and beauty continues to thrive on it.  Survival is a way of life and it is important to do you best to survive in the best way you can.  

I've learned everything is worth paying attention to.  I've learned it is about slowing down to the take the time to look deeply.

Labels matter much less - though the nature nerd within me will never rest).  

And, I've learned that connection is what causes my heart to grow.

Here's to the continuing journey as the earth turns, the seasons change, the winds blow, the sun rises, and for all that life is.

Onward and upward like the masters who stand before me daily in their stillness...

The trees.