It is important to expect nothing, to take every experience, including the negative ones as merely steps on the path and to proceed.
~ Ram Dass
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Sharing moments of Stillness and Silence
It is important to expect nothing, to take every experience, including the negative ones as merely steps on the path and to proceed.
~ Ram Dass
This is stillness
I close my eyes.
I face the sun
And breathe
Phoebe calls
Pine warbler trills
Cardinal song fills all other space.
Still drifts close to the ground.
Air will rise
As Earth rotates
And revolves
Reflecting the light
Of the sun
A little more closely
Each moment
Warming everything
A little more
Turning ever onwards
In the journey...
I close my eyes
I breathe deeply
I absorb
The light
Of the sun
On my skin.
I am alive.
With the Towhees song
I am grateful today for a slow paced morning soaking in phoebe song and cold crisp air - seems winter is ready to paint her palate of transparency.
Things have been kind of quiet in our world of Adventure Seeking. Instead our current adventure is building our garden.