He returned to the same spot over and over today to eat. Each time he circled around the tree the same way made sure no one was watching (I was) and proceeded to eat upside down.
I found this bumblebee on our back porch this morning. It was so cold it seemed dead until I picked it up and realized it was still very much alive. I brought it inside in the palm of my hand and warmed it up. It was just beginning to buzz again when I took it back outside to this zinnia. I figured even if today was its last day it would be happier leaving its body behind on a beautiful flower over a dark corner on the back porch. When I checked later to see if it was still there it had flown off. I did check around to see if it had just fallen off the flower and it was no where to be found. Maybe today wasn't its last day.
Wheel Bug
Met this guy on a maple today.
Summer Sunflower
This flower is hanging on to summer along with the katydid song that is nearly hidden under the crickets. Trees have been painted in the luscious colors of fall and the geese fly over naturally seeking warmer weather for the coming of winter. Together, we wait for the first frost to come and the rain.