I call him Barry. He is not even as big as a pinky. I find him every evening on the okra in the same general area. I'm not sure if I go to the okra every night to pick it or if I go to find my little friend.. doesn't really matter. I am always grateful for his company.
Hazy Sky
The crickets began singing
From dawn to dawn..
On time.
And so the seasons change..
Not Leo
Leo the bullfrog has left the pond, but now there's two new bullfrogs. Things change. We don't always understand the change or want the change, but it is always there.. as much as I enjoyed Leo I'm very excited to get to know the two new bullfrogs who have moved in.
Pat's Pollinators
Friends show up in the most unlikely of places or maybe in the most likely of places when I am not expecting relationships to blossom and become.. As I grow older and I break from old patterns and ways of being I am grateful for friends who embrace expansion and discomfort.. Friends, who unknowingly in just being themselves make my world more comfortable and content and fill me with the possibility of growth.. Friends who garden and meditate and think and actively work for change not by talking in comfortable circles but instead stepping into arenas to listen and truly grow like the plants they tend in their own gardens.. they actively pollinate.. by doing.