
I slid into the flock of birds today up close to watch them... I read there can be up to five hundred in a flock.  I don't think the flock passing through right now has five hundred but, it easily has 250.  There are pine siskins, goldfinch, red house finch, nuthatch, and juncos.  The sound is incredible as they land among the trees and begin their decent to the ground... The swoosh when the hawk spooks them and the flee into the trees...

Wet Web

The rivers and the creeks are up.  

The precipitation seems about as relentless as my cough.  

The woods are quiet - not even squirrels or chipmunks are out.  

A few days ago I googled where birds go when it rains... I had my suspicions but wanted to confirm.  Like us, they try to stay dry and warm, and like us, they reach a point where they just have to get out to survive.  Guess I'm going to have to get out and get bird seed they like if I want my friends to come back - if the sun ever shines again. (I am probably one of the few people still not minding the rain - please don't hate on me) 

A cool fact I didn't know is that birds have an oil on their feathers - it's not even enough to be a drop.  It repels water so their down doesn't get wet.  Birds are so cool.

Pink Anemone

This day,...

is filled with


an north/easterly cool breeze...

that feels like it is coming off the ocean


singing and alarming wrens

chipping cardinals

and the long shrieks from the red bellied woodpecker

... And long sleeves.


Hello Fall.How have you been doing?