This is my bullfrog friend, Leo. I raised him from a tadpole. We weren't sure he survived the draining of the pond (it had sprung a nasty leak in late winter) and the recent replacement of the pond. We found him hibernating in the leftover debris just under the pond. We placed him ina fish tank with a mesh lid until we could fix the pond. One day when I went out to change out the water in the tank and put fresh 'food' and debris in the tank he was gone. Naturally, I was worried he had died so I poured out the tank and went through the debris with a fine tooth comb. He simply was not there. Today as I was putting the new fish in the new pond there he was staring in stillness waiting for his next meal. Whew.. so glad he's okay.
Wandering in the woods today, listening to the lack of sound and feeling the slowness of time I came to consider that which I desire in my life and the many lessons I have learned thus far as I stand upon the precipice of another revolution around the sun. I long for quiet spaces and places. For slow places - those corners of the garden, the forest, the day where time stands still and I can fully experience my breath and existence. I seek them out. I can not help myself. In those spaces I am able to find myself so I can return again and again to the world of busy around me and the discomfort it brings. I seek the content of survival, and comfort of thrival. I long for time with those who love me unconditionally - in my ugly and in my beautiful. I like the me I became as I journeyed through 41. Ilike the me I am becoming as I turn to greet 42. I am most grateful for the life I have with those I love.
On a Hill
Today I taught a class about birds at the state botanical gardens. This is where I sat when we got outside to sit to observe birds. To know the birds you have to spend time with them. Here I saw a green anole running down a tree, two chickadees trying to decide whose territory this was. I saw a male cardinal feeding his lady making sure she knows he's going to provide when their babies come. I heard a woodpecker drumming, watched an Eastern Phoebe catch an insect flying through the air. I heard a hawk call while the breeze passed over my skin. We sat for 30 minutes and it was endless entertainment.. and I got to spend hours talking about birds.
On my 40th birthday my friend Carl gave me this plant. Plant giving was a common theme between us and Carl. Our garden is full of plants he gave us and his garden was full of plants we gave him. My 42nd birthday is just around the corner. Carl has left us and so there is no more plant swapping, but his love of plants, his life, and our sweet memories we shared thrive in our garden.