You didn't come into this world. You came out of it, like a wave from the ocean. You are not a stranger here.
~ Alan Watts
As summer and the season of insects has arrived before you spray you gardens and swat at the bees..
Have you ever listened close enough to hear the difference in the sound of the wind blowing through a maple tree and the same wind blowing through an oak tree?
I often know they are in the yard less because of the buzz of their wings and more because of their territorial calls and epic territorial chases.
"We don't need to dive into the deep ocean to find the most unusual lifeforms. This short clip is a journey into a bizarre world of microscopic inhabitants of pond water."
This beautiful poem that Charlie Chaplan read on his 70th birthday was written by Kim McMillen. I found it shared on the Uplift Blog.
This is a beautiful time lapse video from film maker Jack Miller for the World Meteorological Organization. It's intention is to 'bring awareness of how clouds form and interact with our weather'. More than that.. it is beautiful.
One of the hardest challenges of my life is the continuation of self judgement I have of myself. I want to do my absolute best at everything I do. I want to give everything I have to everything I am a part of.
Let's share this age of awe together and share what we love and our passions and curiosities with one another and change the world.
here is research on a certain microbe in the soil that acts as a natural anti-depressant. Really, that's over simplifying it
Trees are quite possibly some of my greatest teachers. They are kind and harsh. Pliable and firm. Silence and Symphony.
There are times when you just need to tune into someone else's words and let them reverberate through you.
To see the world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour" - William Blake
These trees.. they are the ancestors. They walk through the fire to the land of the living. They are the keepers of the wisdom.
Photos and the story of my first hike on the Appalachian Trail - 30 miles - 3 days